Tuesday 18 September 2012

Move on!

now, i really understand.. i really appreciate.. Life... and hopefullly Allah will give the chance for me to stay s
trong and cool. and for my dear friend.. good luck for your next semester.. i just only have 15 days for trainee's day... hehehe... (sorieee ayat mcm keling)... and i still remember.. u already promise to give the ole-ole from there.. but, now... i don't want to remember it.. i will forget about it... okey... :) 
YEAY!.. praktikal itu seronok sungguh.. bnyak yang saya belajar dari praktikal ini.. selama nie asyik2 bangunan... and now.. bridge, and roadway... OMG!! frist day.... mcm org bodong.. nothing... ZEROOOOO... tgok drawing pon x faham... adoooii... dan sekarang.. alhamdulillah.. insyaalllah.. semua okey.. seperti biasa.. praktikal takkan putih mukee nie..gelap sudaahhh... tp inikan pengalaman... thanks to NESCON!!!... I LOVE UUU... bye!... :)